Thursday, October 10, 2013

A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes

Don't let every day, every minute, every second go to waste by thinking of your dream. Instead, try to reach for it. 

Because a dream is a wish your heart Makes when your fast asleep ;)

"If you can dream it, 
You can do it"
- Walt Disney

Imagine, Believe, Achieve.

Imagining gives you a perspective of what you want to be in or where you want to to be in the future.

Believing gives you the motivation to achieve your desired goal.

Achieving is the result of your perception of your place AND the completion of your goal...

"All children are artists. The problem is how to remain an artist once you grow up" 
- Pablo Picasso


OEver since second year, I have found myself very attached to photo editing.

I might use this skill for my source of income one day. 

I dream of designing a book cover for a famous author or a movie poster for an awaited movie. 

this year I'll probably be inclined to animations more... But I'll take one step at a time. One hobby at a time to practice and improve :)

Try Try Try

P!nk... The more inspirational version of our very own Lady Gaga....

Assumptionista's Daily Situation

Don't even lie to me because we all know this is true. 

Let's say this happened to a lot of us, not once, but almost our entire life studying in Assumption.  

Our biggest enemy: TRAFFIC

Okay maybe I'm exaggerating a little bit when I said an every day traffic like the one above but let's face it. We cannot avoid traffic unless you arrive in the city at 6 AM. 

The River Bed

Last Sunday I went to the bureal of my great grandmother in Maasin. I have always loved their home. It hasn't changed since the first time I went there. A house made of mostly wood and vintage furniture. 

Plus in their backyard, there's a little rest house and a really tall mango tree. I used to climb that tree with my cousins when I was around six or seven years old. However none of those beat the memories when we used to bathe in the River. 

Yes, exactly. I used to take a bath in the river but haven't we all done that? But now, look at the rivers. Before they were ocean blue, if not then crystal clear. Now most of them are chocolate brown.

Plus his river reminded of the movie I watched when I was younger, 'Pocahontas'. I used to pretend I was her  walking on the shallow part of the river and singing.

Yes, those were the good old day...

Monday, October 7, 2013

Little Mix, 'Change Your Life'

Everyone has heard a song that made them burst into tears... 
And this one's mine...

The most inspiring song I've heard before. There are songs I've heard and come to love but this one has to be my favorite. No song can top this one.
This is the first song that made me cry and come to love even more as I listen to it longer...
Jesy Nelson
It's basically about insecure young people and those who cause their insecurity... Society, in general. 

Jade Thirlwall

The song tells you that you shouldn't be insecure or be affected by people who say not so good things about you. Their words shouldn't affect you that much because the more you care about what they say, the more they will say it to you. And of course it makes you feel even more insecure than before.

Perrie Edwards

Even how much they've broken you on the outside, it will be their loss. Because no matter how much they break you, they will never get to the real you... You will always be who you are before you were shattered even if you tell yourself you're not that person anymore.
Leigh Ann Pinnock

A verse in the song (the one, the very first girl) tells us that we shouldn't be too worked up of what they've done to you. Don't be too threatened with it all your life. Instead, use it as an experience and an inspiration. 

You're not the only experiencing being bullied. There are millions of girls and boys around the world experiencing the same thing. 

You're not alone

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Creature On The Steps

Once upon a time I was sitting in my car when my eyes caught the attention of a fierce looking kitty Kat, staring at me.
I have proof and here it is:

Exam Week

This always happen in a student's life...

Do we have a choice?

Do we like to study?
Heck no.

Do we want graduate?
Obviously yes!

Do we want a good job?

Then we have to get through this time of our lives where we grab our books and notes, stay up late, nope not partying, but studying.

Yes! I want to pass high school so good night!

Note the sarcasm in the photo ;)