Saturday, November 29, 2014


Jennifer Lawrence, stunning and beautiful as always.

She never disappoints in every role she plays, especially as Katniss Everdeen in her new movie, The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1.

In Mockingjay, it's more on revolution and war. Two of my favorite conflicts in a book. I was afraid that the movie's going to ruin the book or the other way around.

But nope. No, no, no. The movie was spectacular! I went out of the cinema with goosebumps running up my arms because the production brought justice to the trilogy of Suzanne Collins.

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Thursday, November 20, 2014

Adelina Amouteru

Adelina is the protagonist in Marie Lu's new book, The Young Elites. She's a teenager in the 13th century, daughter of an aristocrat, who was infected by the blood fever along with her mother and younger sister, Violetta.

Their mother died because she was an adult while the two of them survived. Violetta retained her beauty while Adelina's black hair turned silver and lost her left eye. She's been treated horribly by their father because she's what they would call a malfetto; children who have been infected by the fever who had strange markings. Some malfetto's are known to have extraordinary gifts, some out of this world, but they're considered a threat by the country. They're know as the Young Elites. Adelina is a Young Elite who the Dagger Society, a group of Young Elites, see as someone who's got great potential but also as a great threat for she's got powers no one has ever seen before.

Adelina's past is full of darkness. She's one of those protagonist who's got the strangest behaviors, thoughts and personality. She's a sadist, a coward in a way and disoriented. She doesn't know who to trust, where she belongs. Who can blame her? She's been disowned by her own family, of course she'd have trust issues.

The greatest thing about Adelina's character and Marie Lu's writing is that Adelina is someone who's often confused and mislead. The way the story is narrated, you get into her thoughts and feelings. And I feel for her, honestly. When I read the book, in her POV, I was afraid, confused and slightly disturbed. In short, her choices and thoughts caused me to react.Let's just say my emotions were out of control. Her thoughts are not the same as June, the protagonist from Marie Lu's Legend Trilogy. She's more complex in regards to choices, who to trust and her feelings being a teenager with ranging hormones and almost having a perfect night with the young prince, Enzo.

She's beyond what I expected. She's definitely something else compared to famous protagonists like Katniss from The Hunger Games. She's not strong, she's not brave, she dwells and enjoys people's pains and fears. It fuels her energy. How sadistic is that? But she is powerful. Her power is dark and dangerous, even she can't control. Honestly she scares the soul out of me.

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Sunday, October 12, 2014

Champion Author

Veronica Roth

John Green

Suzanne Collins

Pittacus Lore.

All of these authors have one thing in common. Well, a lot. They're geniuses, they're amazing, they write books for this generation, best selling authors and their works are on the big screen. I love these four people. They took me to a world that's entirely different from our own, made me fall in love with mind blowing, powerful characters and....

They kill them.

Very evil of them, not cool! This is why books break my heart more than people.

What's worse is introducing a really beautiful, smart, sarcastic, brave and powerful character in the series, have them suffer a terminal illness, read the whole series and suffering the same pain the character feels, let the thought of them dying sink in  hurting us more but in the end they manage to live but forget the people they love. Bittersweet ending.

I'm talking to you, Marie Lu. The author of the Legend Series who made me suffer a roller coaster of emotions all throughout the series, typical of sci-fi authors to do this, but gave a rather beautiful ending. Seriously, the 3rd book, Champion, best frigging 3rd book I've read. Beautiful plot, so much emotions, unforgettable dialogs and quotes, amazing characters, definitely lovable and no great character gets killed off...

We need more authors like her in the world, honestly.

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Tuesday, September 30, 2014

When One Becomes 'Legend'

The title makes perfect sense because this series is literally Legend! Marie Lu is a genius!

It's plot is set 150 years from today. Two very different people born in two different sectors meet and later do they realize that no matter how different they are, they're still so alike based on their principles, their intellect and their capacity love and forgive. 

I read the first book when I was in first year but the story's stuck in my head for almost 3 years already, all the events fresh as if I've just read it yesterday. Its a love story, yes, but something's present in this book that stood out from the other recent books I've read: patriotism.

Ive never fell in love with a book and cried over it like I have with this one. Its not the typical fiction books with their female protagonist you have to worry about whether she'll make it till the end or wait for her to do something. The characters are strong willed and smart and they're fighting for their lives, sacrificing everything they have for the Republic.

I am so done reading books with lame, weak female characters because honestly, what do you get from them? The same misery? That's so sad.

Reading a book with strong women for protagonists motivates you. If they've gone through, dodging millions of gunshots or escaping prison or are misunderstood but they hold their ground and fight for what they believe in, it gets you thinking "if they can do all those then I can go on with this day.''

Yeah, yeah they're fiction. But fictions are based on reality but more creative and less boring.

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Friday, August 22, 2014

Why Do I Idolize These People? [ Jennifer Lawrence ]

So this 'WHY DO I IDOLIZE THESE PEOPLE' post is sort of different.

She's not a YouTuber or a radio host for that matter or even the offspring of a famous footballer, No. She's an actress. I have no intentions on becoming an actress for that matter or anywhere in the film industry. If that were to happen, I'd be the one behind the camera or doing the post-production.

Jennifer Lawrence is a 24-year old American actor from Louisville, Kentucky. She came in my world when she played the character from a movie that was adapted from my favorite novel 2 years ago. The Hunger Games. She played the female protagonist, Katniss Everdeen, who's also the female tribute from an outcast district, District 12.

On screen, you'd see her as someone who's very professional. Well, in fact, she is. When it comes to acting, she's very professional and portrays the character very well but in reality, she's the biggest jester and most random woman I've known. That's why I idolize her.

Her randomness is out of this world. She's a professional actress who won her first Oscar when she was 22 yeas old and at the same time, a really outgoing and sarcastic human being. The best thing about her is that she does not deny who she is and she loves being herself at the same time an amazing actor. I might've mentioned that more than 5x but I can't emphasize it enough.

Story time! One time they were filming a really emotional scene in The Hunger Games. Before the started rolling, a cast member told a joke and that she laughed till her lungs fall out but when the director yells ACTION, she transforms into her Katniss-character in a heartbeat. WHAT? If that isn't what you call "talent" then I dont know what it is.



Ever seen one of these babies? Yeah, they're ancient now.  

Apple now has techy touch screen MP3 players but as the iPod revolves, I haven't changed my own 2008 nano iPod into the high-tech MP3 players most of my classmates have now.
I'm not complaining. It's kind of cool to have something, sort of, vintage. This baby's not colorful or can have games downloaded on, only music but very limited. Well, mine is. It's only a 8 or so gigabytes. 

It's not a problem to have something people call "ancient" because someday, these things won't ever be seen in the face of the earth. 

so. Out of boredom, I decided to beautify my old little iPod with the help of really pretty decorative tapes I got this Wednesday. 

A little bit of tape here, tape there and plain old iPod is no more:


Sunday, August 17, 2014


I'm aware that in this time next year, we'll have to meet new people, be in different schools, adjusting to new environment but for now, I'm gonna enjoy high school while It lasts.

I hear people saying junior year is the best year? Screw that, senior year for the win! 

It's only been 3 months into senior year and I'm enjoying myself more than the previous 3 years. There's less drama, more homework, more quizzes, more projects but most importantly, more fun. 

Maybe because it's the last year we tend to make use of the short time we have left in school and focus more on the enjoyment it brings rather than the small problems we've had. 

I've only realized this when I took the UPCAT yesterday. Reality hit me in the face with a bang. 

Taking a college entrance exam reminds me that next year, some of us might be in the schools we applied in. Some, other schools we haven't heard of. Some, maybe just maybe, we won't see them for another 5 years because they're moving to different countries. How sad.

Nonetheless, we all have to keep going. No matter how sad the truth is that we're going to have to start over and say our temporary goodbyes to our High School friends, it's a chance for us to change and let go of the person we are now, if there's a need. A fresh start.

What about our friends?

Well, wise words from my father, we'll still see them in a few years. 

And of course, "we'll meet new friends along the way. Better friends but never forget the friends that gave you the best years of your life"