Monday, August 19, 2013

Entering A Different World

When you read books, you not only acquire knowledge. It also takes you to a whole different world. 

And after reading it, it will make you realise how normal your life is compared to the characters. It's a sad fact, honestly. 

That also applies to a writer. 

Not most people know but Im very fond of writing stories. 

Mostly ones that are related to my idols and fantasise over them, thinking what will happen if I meet them. It's like writing down your supposed-to-be-life but you very well know its not going to happen.

I've heard people tell me, or I've read from websites saying, "the qualities of the character comes from the author himself/herself"

Of course it does. The personality of the character came from your own mind. It just goes to show that whatever you write about him/her, is who you are, not literally but somehow a piece of you. 

The characters life is basically how you, the author, want your life as. For me the reason why you want to write about them is that, it can't happen to you in real life sooner so you want to create a fictional character of yourself to live that life for you.

It is entering a different world because it obviously isn't how your life is so you want to fantasise over a world you want to live in that doesnt exist.

Goes same for the books youre reading. 

Seriously, there has to be a time where you've thought to yourself "Oh man i wish I had her life" or "that place is so cool! Why can I not live there?" 

Unless you read The Hunger Games and seen the situation of the arena. I'm putting my hands up right now. "I'm good. Dont really feel like fighting for my life at the moment" 

Writers are desperate people and when they stop being desperate, they stop being writers. 
- Charles Bukowski (Poet)


Saturday, August 17, 2013


             A Poem By Max Ehrmann

If you compare yourself with others,

you may become vain or bitter,
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.

- Max Ehrmann (written in 1927) 

I'm the person who has an interest with inspirational sayings and quotes. It may be by anyone as long as it arouses me.

As long as it hits me and makes me come to realisation...  

And frankly, this poem is one of them. My father introduced the to me when I was still young, around the age of 9. However my understanding before that it was just a poem, nothing more. 

Now, its probably one of the most appealing poems I've ever read...

Friday, August 16, 2013

The Americas

Hard work pays off. 

Weeks of preparation, setting up and decorating was all worth it.

Proud incrediPAUL !

"The Gods Must Be Crazy" Movie Review

The Gods Must Be Crazy is a 1980's film by Jamie Uys.

It's follows the story of a tribe in the Kalahari Desert living a peaceful, simple life in comparison to the lives of people in South Africa.

That peace however was destroyed a bottle dropped from the sky. The tribe thought it was from the gods. They found it seemingly intriguing and it can do anything. However this bottle was the cause why the tribe started fighting and hurting each other. 

In result, one of the leaders vowed to journey to the end of the earth yo dispose the bottle.

The film, in my opinion, practically shows us to be contented. The people in the Kalahari were alright. They didnt have the technology, the food and the transportation we've got, which are better, yet they seem happy. 

They treated each other as family, are united like family and loved each other.

Sometimes there are objects in our lives that blind us. It makes us selfish and makes us forget about the other people around us.

What we think can make our lives better sometimes makes it worse. It makes us isolate the other people around us and makes us focus on ourselves. 

 Like in the film, the tribe was fine. They were united and helping each other. They were happy. However the bottle seem to trigger the selfishness in them. They want it all for themselves. It blinded them from their real happiness...

But they knew the happiness of the tribe was far more important than the bottle. 

So one was willing to make the sacrifice in order to have that happiness and peace again...

I think this applies in our lives too.

Books Coming to Life

 In my blog last year, I have talked about the books I have read... And the books  currently being read.

One of the is Catching Fire...

Suzanne Collins' book, The Hunger Games, became a hit. In results, it had its own movie last March 25, 2012. 

Months after the release, they've started planning for the sequel. They began casting shortly to bring the characters from Catching Fire come to life...
Catching Fire's the story that follows Katniss and Peeta's lives as Victors of the previous games. Now, Katniss is the target of the Capitol because of her act of rebellion in the previous games. Their romance blossomed in this book while in the first book, it was just starting but just for the games in order to survive. The rebellion starts here until the last book...

The movie will premier this November 22, 2013. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Little Mix Inspired Clothing

Ever heard of Little Mix?

You might have because Perrie Edwards, 1/4 of LM is currently dating Zayn Malik of One Direction. Although this is not about them.

Mainly I love One Direction with all my little heart.

And I feel the very same way with this girl band.

Not only that they're the most random girls ever or they have inspirational songs but, they also have the most awesome sense of style..

The reason why I love their style its because they use formal clothing and add something that makes it look casual but still formal at the same time. Sometimes they look rebellious and sometimes just neutral...

Here are some LM inspired outfits:


Girl Crushes

I've got this post idea from a vlogger called  Jenna Marbles.

Her words might be vulgar (as seen above and I apologize for that) but her advice really makes sense... Especially the one that regards to Girl Crushes.

I found this post relatively interesting because girls our age start developing admiration or different feelings towards other girls. And in my opinion, there's nothing wrong with that.

Come on... let's face it. There's nothing wrong with admiring another girl.

Just because you have a girl crush doesn't mean you're a lesbian. Sometimes your 'girl crush' is actually someone who you want to become or who you want to look like. It's more like an 'Idolizing' type of admiration. It doesnt always mean that if you like a girl, you want to be with that girl or DATE her.

According to Jenna Marbles there are three levels of girl crushes:

"I love you and I wanna be your bestfriend

"I love you ALOT. I wanna be you"
Trying to follow how she dresses up, how her hair is, how she wears her make up... Practically just you wanna be or look like her. That's why in my own opinion it just technically states you IDOLIZE her.

"If given the right circumstances, I'd make a scissor sandwich with you"
If Rihanna was like, "let's runaway together" I will be like "let me pack my things"

And Jenna Marbles quoted "If you are a girl and you dont have any level of girl crush on a girl, then you're just lying to yourself..."

Experience of a Lifetime

Watching the One Direction concert was a blast. Seeing all of the boys in person, listening to their heart-warming voices blast through the speakers of the famous O2 arena, to listen to their voices in actual person and watching them do the silliest things ever was an experience of a lifetime.

To be part of, not only their tour, but their journey as artists is overwhelming.

The Boys on Stage :)
I didn't want the night to end but it has to. You've no idea how many time's I'd look at my watch, wishing it'd be longer. When the boys sung What Makes You Beautiful, I knew it was going to end in a matter of 5 minutes. However in the duration of the concert, which was 4 hours, I can't say I regret it. My alternate ego, my 'fangirl' side was pretty obvious. I was screaming at the top of my voice. I lost my voice that night, I got sick the next day and my hearing was horrible afterwards  but it was literally worth. I'll spare the other details for another post, maybe.

 I saw what I came for and it was all worth it...

 "Some say our fans are crazy. but the lads and I think they're passionate..."
- Louis Tomlinson

"Dont call a girl obsessed when she's in love..."
- Zayn Malik

"The fans are always telling Im beautiful but no one will ever be as beautiful as them..."
- Niall Horan

"Live your dream and never wake up..."
- Liam Payne

"I can make your girlfriend scream louder than you ever could just by pressing her 'follow' button..."
- Harry Styles

"I think there's nothing wrong with eating all the time. At least Im not doing anything illegal..."

London For Two Months

"We travel initially to lose ourselves.
And we travel next to find ourselves..."
-Pico Iyer

The Westminster Abbey

Still, The Abbey

The Famous Big Ben

Downing Street, home of the Prime Minister, David Cameron

The homes in Downing Street

Tower of London 

The Tower Of London from the Back

The Tower Bridge

St. Paul's Cathedral

One of the many countrysides in UK, Bognor Regis. "Sunniest side in UK"
Our Hotel in Bognor Regis

High Street, Bognor Regis

The Pavilion in Butlins

Portsmouth docks

Still the Docks

In the Famous Madame Tussauds

Outside the National Gallery

In London, people are always this crazy.
is it the golden statue or the girl in a koala hat?

With dad in Trafalgar Square

M&M world

M&M's as The Beatles

4 Floors of all chocolate

The Tubes filled with colorful M&M's
Greenwich Prime Meridian

The Millennium Bridge
North Greenwich University
The Waterloo Bridge

Royal Museums of Greenwich

13 Hours On A Plane... What to do?

Basically, I went to UK two months ago. Of course, its a beautiful country. However, what it takes to get there means you have to be on a plane for 13 hours...

So what to do during those hours? Take it from me...

What do you do first... Of course, you get on a plane and sit down. When the plane takes off, you sit still and wait for the dreadful hours to come...

A few activities for you to do to waste that time...

Of course you'll need all the energy you can get when you reach your destination. Gather all that energy you've gain and spend it all in your vacation destination.

In my case, I've spent at least 5 hours reading Meg Cabot's 'Being Nikki'. In case you do have a long flight, never forget to bring your good book along to pass the time.

This is totally worth it. Most plane's have good movies and latest ones. And I recommend you to watch longer movies like Harry Potter. Especially when the plane's got all 8 movies...

If you're a wattpad addict, then I tell you. This 13 hours flight gives you the opportunity to read your favorite fanfictions. However, if you're a writer on there, this is also the perfect time to write your stories...

Im sure, if not all, most of us these days have a thing for photo editing. For me it's a huge thing! You can spend this time to edit your photos and once you got off the plane, INSTAGRAM!

If you're lucky enough, you get to watch the most spectacular sunset or sunrise ever. Nothing is more beautiful than being in the sky, watching the sunset colors infront of you. It doesnt hurt to take your phone or camera out and capture the fantastic scene infront of you....