Saturday, March 8, 2014

2nd Grade Kaaway

Say hi to 2nd grade kaaway who surprisingly became one of my longest friends! 

I remember we used to pull each other's hair in line and shout in each other's faces after recess. I admit I was a female dog even as a new student. In the end we became friends through having a CR reconciliation 

Friday, March 7, 2014

High School: Reality VS Expectations

I hate myself for being so naive. Why did I ever think high school's just like those shows on TV where everything is fun and exciting? In reality, High school is a stage in your life where you get judged for being different. If you dont have your own group of friends you, gosh you'll never make it through the dreadful 4 years.

You can't be friends with everyone like in elementary school.

You can't do anything without getting worried about being judged.

You have to be extra careful of the words coming out of your mouth or it will be held against you.

High school is emotionally stressful. 

Every Morning..

That perfect moment where your sleep is actually really good and then your alarm goes off...

My bed begs me to stay every morning. But no, I have to get up and go to school so I'll actually mount to something 15 years from now.

I love my bed so much and Im really tired... i dont know what to blog about anymore.

That Time Of The School Year

After spending 10 months in the classroom, cramming, procratination, meeting deadlines, stressing ourselves over exams, passing projects, sleepless nights and hours long of practices for presentation,


Screw 'Bikini' Season. I'm going to sleep for a week and eat all the food I want, stay up late without cramming for the quizzes and homework for the following day! 

Look alive students, ladies and gents, Summer is near! 

Lots and Lots of Chocolates

I'm still a child..

And every child loves chocolate...

Especially the cute colorful ones... Specifically M&Ms! 

It's not a famous landmark in England like the Stonehenge but it's what I came for. The moment you enter the building, yes it's a building, you can smell the sweet scent of chocolate! 

It reminded me of Charlie in the Chocolate Factory the moment I came in. M&M's were everywhere of every kind! 4 glorious floors of merchandises and CHOCOLATE.

What more can a kid ask for?

Throwback To Bunjing Days

Back when we ignored the rest of the world and we lived in our own little bubble! :) 

My First Time Bowling

So the first time, I went bowling last summer, this happened. The floor was slippery to be honest. I was really tired that day. We just got back from Portsmouth and it was freezing outside.

The odd thing about me is that when I'm tired, that's when I get too hyper that I end up acting really crazy! 

And well, this happened.

We Need a Break!

Everyone deserves a break, you know?

Even us learners? We also have our deadlines to meet, projects to pass, exams to study for... 

It's fair to say, we are stressed. But a little more tolerance because summer break is almost here! 

McDonalds Banquet

It's been a while we had our McDonalds meal together. Not really all of us but with our 'Jewish' group. We were stuck in school because of our little siblings' concert practices so we decided to have a 'banquet' in McDonalds. 

Thank you, Miss Singbenco for allowing us to fill out empty stomachs that day! :)

Ironically Called 'Jews'

    ORANGE JEWS 2013

You wanna know something ironic? 

Our group is called Orange Jews


11 are Catholics, 1 is an Adventist... Yet we refer to ourselves as Jews. 

But we all love Jesus so what's the difference.


You keep your personalities and attitudes to yourself... You try to be reserved so you don't get hurt or you dont want to hurt anyone because of who you are. But time doesn't stop, it only goes one way and sometimes the things we realize are a bit too late to change... And no one really cares anymore 

Intramurals Throwback

For three years straight, I've been out in the same tribe, not that I mind. 
This year, tribe D's name was Sorbs, a tribe in Germany. 

I'll keep this short. 

We didnt win a lot. We lost in almost all the games and being fourth was not surprising since the year before we also lost. The only difference this year is that we didnt take everything too seriously.

Instead, we enjoyed the week long intramurals. The last day, the awarding, we didnt take it too hard because we know what's going to happen. Because of this we learned how to value the little things and the little awards we got even if they were only 3rd place. 

None of us really felt like we lost because we had so much fun this intramurals. Even during practices, we enjoyed every second of it...

Photo 1-B Throwback

The summer of 2012, I went to West Visayas State University to take up a summer class in basic photography. Since it was Basic, I expected a lot of my classmates of my age or at least in high school. 

Well, great expectations lead to great disappointments. Most of my classmates were professionals. And then there's me. A kid whose only turning 14 that year. 

Honestly I felt left out being the only child there. I didnt talk to anyone because I couldn't relate at all. I spent 4 hours in the classroom trying not to fall asleep because of pure boredom, typical classroom vibes. All of them talked about their careers and their families and I'm sitting there with a thought "I just started High School, alright" 

But being a student as a 'career' has advantages. I've been used to classroom stuff all year and it's like nothing has changed. I still sit in class taking down notes, listen to my teacher and participate in discussions. The only difference was I was surrounded by adults as classmates! 

At the end of the semester, I didnt regret going anyway. Yes I was younger, a lot younger, than all of them but, hey, I got an award ;)

Photo 1-B Throwback

The summer of 2012, I went to West Visayas State University to take up a summer class in basic photography. Since it was Basic, I expected a lot of my classmates of my age or at least in high school. 

Well, great expectations lead to great disappointments. Most of my classmates were professionals. And then there's me. A kid whose only turning 14 that year. 

Honestly I felt left out being the only child there. I didnt talk to anyone because I couldn't relate at all. I spent 4 hours in the classroom trying not to fall asleep because of pure boredom, typical classroom vibes. All of them talked about their careers and their families and I'm sitting there with a thought "I just started High School, alright" 

But being a student as a 'career' has advantages. I've been used to classroom stuff all year and it's like nothing has changed. I still sit in class taking down notes, listen to my teacher and participate in discussions. The only difference was I was surrounded by adults as classmates! 

At the end of the semester, I didnt regret going anyway. Yes I was younger, a lot younger, than all of them but, hey, I got an award ;)

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Eleanor and Park

by Rainbow Rowell


I took a time off reading books for a while. It's been a few months since I've had my nose up in science fictions, love stories and tragic romances. I've been pretty much too busy in school and such..

Last week, I finished this book called Eleanor and Park.
First of all, I'm the one of those people who "Judges the book by its cover". Usually, I end up reading a crappy book with a wonderful cover because of my attitude. But somehow, this book caught my attention. It's a simple white paperback book with a simple cover but it's beautiful in a way. Of course being an Assumptionist since the 2nd grade, I've been living by the quote "Simplicity is truth". Yeah I learned how to appreciate the simple things in life... 

Anyway the book is your typical teenage love story. I know, Im not the one who fancies cliche love stories with the same plot as any other book but this one is somehow unique. Most books have their protagonists as the typical nice girl falling for a varsity player or the weird nerdy girl who falls for this guy who ends up getting hurt, nope. 

The main protagonist is an insecure young girl named Eleanor who's seen as a weirdo. Eleanor is mainly insecure because of her body, being overweight, her face covered with freckles, her untamed bright red curly hair and her her odd fashion sense. And Park, a quirky Asian who's almost like a wallflower. His biggest insecurity is having the 'Asian' look. 

Mainly this book deserves a spot in my blog because it's the first book I've read in a loooong time. Not really but in a while. Somehow it's a bit cliche but it's not predictable, most of the time. 

This story taught me that it's better to be hated for who you are than be loved for what you're not.

It Was Valentines Day (Field Trip Part 2)

No more mud, no more dirt, no more mangroves, no more work...
Few stops along the way like getting a glimpse of the hundred year old mangroves (not really), and having our lunch at Terra Verde. 
A tiring day but we made the most of it..

I mean, when do we get the chance to get out of the city?

And did I mention it was Valentines Day?




Yes Shaira?

Kyla, lapit nalang mahulog sa tubig.

Tret, interacting with animals


Mangroves and Mud. (Field Trip Part 1)


Last year, we enjoyed the waterfalls in Ajuy as well. 

This time we enjoyed the 'beach'. But before we had our pictures taken, we have to do something.
Yes, planting mangroves...

So yes, this year, no more mountain hikes, waterfalls or caves...

The third year's highlight this year:

Mangroves and Mud.


Before getting messy...

the cleanest I have ever been...

getting your hands dirty...

hello Anna!

Guys, our chaperon/ photographer... Thank you for taking our pictures sir! 



Penny Boarding


Summer is less than a week away! 

What makes this summer special is that it's my last summer as a high school student. My next summer, I'll be preparing for college and plan my future. It's scary.

I wasted summer after summer sulking in my room. But not this summer!

I have very limited physical skills and sports so here's a Must Do activity on my summer list. 

Learn how to Penny board/Skateboard. 


#54 - Penny Boards
Penny boards are adorable skateboards of different colors. They're very fashionable too and sort of brings out the summery vibes.

By the end of summer, I want to perfect or at least know how to skate fast without falling off and hurting myself. It's something I've found really cool and interesting for a while but always been too lazy to learn. Im that person who have trouble coping with something new. 

Hopefully, I wont be too lazy this summer...

Right Idols...


My idols are four gorgeous British girls. 

Four gorgeous British girls who won the X-Factor UK in 2011.

Four girls who harmonize perfectly with beautiful voices

The winners who make girls feel better about themselves.

Four young women who touch the hearts of young girls around the world
with their lyrics.

Yes they're all beautiful. 

Young girls look up to them from all around the world not because they are beautiful and 

Young girls look up to them because their lyrics make them realize that they can
be more than what people think about them...

Frozen Taught Me...

Frozen is a film by Disney released in late 2013. People have been talking about it and got children, teenagers and adults buzzing. It is said to be "Disney's best film since The Lion King". The original song sung by Idina Menzel, "Let It Go" has received multiple awards, too many to mention. 

I was a child who grew up watching Disney; having my room filled with Disney characters is not an exaggeration. Watching Frozen for the first time gave me goosebumps, it's like reliving my childhood all over again. Frozen brought back the magic that I've grown to love in Disney movies.

If I was still a child watching this movie, I'd probably only notice the magic, the gowns by the character, the talking snowman, and how pretty the princess are; but I'm not a child anymore and I can honestly and all whole-heartedly say... I've seen pass those.  



So many people judge you.
You try so hard to be perfect to please people even though you're going insane.


I think the picture speaks for itself...


Finally, Disney!
Disney's been keeping every young girl's hopes up with perfect princes 
who saves princess but not this time!
A Disney movie that taught every girl to value a sister's love..


this is very cliche but it's true.
Most Disney movies, again, keeps little girl's hopes up
that the first man/boy they meet will be their 'Happily Ever After.'
But would you rather have a Hans or would you want a Kristoff?


It's okay to be awkward everyone!
