Friday, August 22, 2014

Why Do I Idolize These People? [ Jennifer Lawrence ]

So this 'WHY DO I IDOLIZE THESE PEOPLE' post is sort of different.

She's not a YouTuber or a radio host for that matter or even the offspring of a famous footballer, No. She's an actress. I have no intentions on becoming an actress for that matter or anywhere in the film industry. If that were to happen, I'd be the one behind the camera or doing the post-production.

Jennifer Lawrence is a 24-year old American actor from Louisville, Kentucky. She came in my world when she played the character from a movie that was adapted from my favorite novel 2 years ago. The Hunger Games. She played the female protagonist, Katniss Everdeen, who's also the female tribute from an outcast district, District 12.

On screen, you'd see her as someone who's very professional. Well, in fact, she is. When it comes to acting, she's very professional and portrays the character very well but in reality, she's the biggest jester and most random woman I've known. That's why I idolize her.

Her randomness is out of this world. She's a professional actress who won her first Oscar when she was 22 yeas old and at the same time, a really outgoing and sarcastic human being. The best thing about her is that she does not deny who she is and she loves being herself at the same time an amazing actor. I might've mentioned that more than 5x but I can't emphasize it enough.

Story time! One time they were filming a really emotional scene in The Hunger Games. Before the started rolling, a cast member told a joke and that she laughed till her lungs fall out but when the director yells ACTION, she transforms into her Katniss-character in a heartbeat. WHAT? If that isn't what you call "talent" then I dont know what it is.



Ever seen one of these babies? Yeah, they're ancient now.  

Apple now has techy touch screen MP3 players but as the iPod revolves, I haven't changed my own 2008 nano iPod into the high-tech MP3 players most of my classmates have now.
I'm not complaining. It's kind of cool to have something, sort of, vintage. This baby's not colorful or can have games downloaded on, only music but very limited. Well, mine is. It's only a 8 or so gigabytes. 

It's not a problem to have something people call "ancient" because someday, these things won't ever be seen in the face of the earth. 

so. Out of boredom, I decided to beautify my old little iPod with the help of really pretty decorative tapes I got this Wednesday. 

A little bit of tape here, tape there and plain old iPod is no more:


Sunday, August 17, 2014


I'm aware that in this time next year, we'll have to meet new people, be in different schools, adjusting to new environment but for now, I'm gonna enjoy high school while It lasts.

I hear people saying junior year is the best year? Screw that, senior year for the win! 

It's only been 3 months into senior year and I'm enjoying myself more than the previous 3 years. There's less drama, more homework, more quizzes, more projects but most importantly, more fun. 

Maybe because it's the last year we tend to make use of the short time we have left in school and focus more on the enjoyment it brings rather than the small problems we've had. 

I've only realized this when I took the UPCAT yesterday. Reality hit me in the face with a bang. 

Taking a college entrance exam reminds me that next year, some of us might be in the schools we applied in. Some, other schools we haven't heard of. Some, maybe just maybe, we won't see them for another 5 years because they're moving to different countries. How sad.

Nonetheless, we all have to keep going. No matter how sad the truth is that we're going to have to start over and say our temporary goodbyes to our High School friends, it's a chance for us to change and let go of the person we are now, if there's a need. A fresh start.

What about our friends?

Well, wise words from my father, we'll still see them in a few years. 

And of course, "we'll meet new friends along the way. Better friends but never forget the friends that gave you the best years of your life"

Friday, August 15, 2014

The Future: Scary

While my friends are worrying about college, what course to take up, where to go to school, passing entrance exams, I'm here worrying about being a social awkward human being.

This time next year, I'm probably preparing myself for a new school environment outside of this country. If making friends with strangers in the Philippines is difficult, how can I make friends with people who are of different race?

Not being racist or anything. 

As excited as I am to migrate, it's also frightening. The list of negative scenarios just floods my head everytime I think about it. 

The future is frightening just thinking about it. 

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Why Do I Idolize These People? [ Jenna Marbles ]

Jenna Marbles... how do I even begin to explain Jenna Marbles? I don't freaking know. However, one word to describe her? Well there's one but it's a bad word so I'd rather not say it. Let's go with sassy.

She's the more extreme female version of Dan Howell. That's it. This woman has a masters degree in psychology! If that's not what you call smart, then I don't know what is. Her real name is Jenna Mourey. She loves her dogs so much, yes she does. Why wouldn't she? They are adorable! They appear in her youtube videos often.

Why do I idolize her, you ask? Well she's practically the most opinionated person I've come across in my whole life! She speaks what's in her head and even if she's very vulgar, her opinions actually make sense AND they're really powerful. It speaks about her and her only. Sometimes you have to think about your own opinion and question yourself. If she taught me anything, it would be:

Speak your effing mind.

Why Do I Idolize These People? [Brooklyn Beckham]

Okay, I know what you're thinking. How can I idolize someone who's been keeping a low profile all his life? I do not idolize David Beckham's eldest son. He's merely a celebrity crush but the first I had who's not older than me. Hah.

I won't say anything cheesy or long or why I have an imaginary relationship with this young lad. He's simply too good looking for a 15 year old. It is unacceptable! And he cares about his brothers and his little sister, that's too sweet. He's definitely fulfilling his big brother role.

He simply deserves a post on my blog. Now I'm going to move on with my life and you may stare at his photo for a while because I've already done that. Heh.

Why Do I Idolize These People? [Dan Howell]

More about a youtube star!

The sexy man I dedicate this post to is also an internet guru, I think. His name is Dan Howell. Let me brief you more on Dan.

Dan's full name is Daniel James Howell. He's a 23 year old British lad who started his channel, Danisnotonfire, a few years ago. It now has nearly 4 million subscribers from all over the world. He also hosts his own BBC Radio Show with a fellow YouTuber, flatmate and his best friend, Phil Lester. Phil also runs a YouTube channel,  AmazingPhil. A fellow YouTuber once commented "These two are controlling the internet". Not the exact words, but you get what I mean.

His videos are mainly about his personal life. He tells the internet about his greatest FAILURES. Yes, he actually does this. Every failure story he's told his viewers, he'd normally imply the message: I hope you learn from my mistakes or I hope my failures have helped make you feel better about yourself.

He's my favorite YouTuber, why? Because he tells us absolutely nothing educational. Well, not really. Not in the traditional vlogging sense, anyway. In a personal way, he has given me tips that I can actually use in real life and are influential. He's an influential young man but it's like he turns the negative things in his life into good ones that the public can benefit from. It's like he has secret smarts, how else would he come up with these anecdotes or whatever he does?

In general, we can relate to his experiences. Plus his stories are freaking hilarious. The words he use are
big but I'm not sure if they are proper most of the time.

He's unintentionally a philosopher, a therapist and a motivational speaker for this generation, that's what I'm trying to say.

Why Do I Idolize These People? [Jamie Curry]

An 18 year old girl from New Zealand has shaped my life. Not even joking.

Jamie Curry started her own Facebook page at the age of 16. She started off making funny memes that teenagers can relate to. Her Facebook page got popular so quickly. From her meme photos, it lead her to make hilarious, silly videos. This basically lead her in making her own YouTube channel JamiesWorld. Earlier this year, her channel hit 3 million subscribers.

Lets get into topic. This girl doesn't really care if she looks ridiculous all over the internet. She doesn't give a single hoot. If you check her page right now, you'll see what I'm talking about. This is why she's famous.

She's being real.

She does not pretend to be who she is but rather she goes full-on with who she is. No matter how ridiculous she looks, she goes for it. Her page is called JamiesWorld for a reason. She describes herself as a quiet and socially-awkward human being in real life, but in her internet life she's pretty peculiar. That just shows how what she really is in her head. In her world.

Why Do I Idolize These People? [INTRO]

Sometimes, I wonder how I get mixed up with these people or get
obsessed about them. I know I'll never meet them in person but there's nothing wrong with getting your hopes up, right?

Except maybe get disappointed and heartbroken that the closest you'll ever get to them is
through your computer screen. 


So, fair warning, my next few posts will be about these people. I can say they have definitely changed my life.

Over the summer, I have been watching their videos and, wow, have they made an impact. Most of them are actually pretty pointless yet helpful. That does not make sense at all.

Anyway, Here we go!......

Gala Throwback

A not-so-instagram-worthy picture is blog worthy because no one really gives a crap about my blogposts.

8 years ago, I came to Assumption. Fresh from Colegio de San Jose 1st grader comes to Assumption Iloilo to learn and to acquire the so-called Assumption Education. Before, it was just meh. Now I realize how much Assumption has shaped me into the person who I am now.

I've made the best memories in Assumption from my First Confession, First Communion to my Confirmation and now? My senior year. The gala is a sacred clothing, as said by the nuns. The galas I've worn the past years also hold the memories of my Firsts in my Christian life.

More memories are to be made in this school and I'm sure they will be the best.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Gold and White and Blue

Because Assumption Day is coming up, we should get into the spirit! 

Sr. Lourdes told us that our school takes Assumption Day very seriously. Duh, that's where the name of our school came from; Mary's Assumption. 

August 14, we will celebrate the Vespers of the Assumption Feast. That's tomorrow. And a feast on the 15 for everyone in the Assumption! Exciting! 

I'm looking forward to wearing my gala.  It's 4 years and I miss looking angelic. 

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Panulaton Experience

Last July, more than 3000 students from all over Western Visayas gathered for a journalism workshop by Silak in Punta Villa.

So, being a sort-of "wallflower", not really, I never really joined workshops or anything that required your mingling skills... Sigh. However, this year I wanted to make it count and that hopefully when I'm old and grey, I'd think back to my last year in high school and say "I've had the greatest year of my life"

To say the least, this was first ever workshop. It was held in Punta Villa Resort in their crown ballroom.

The ballroom's ceiling was so beautiful and ballroom looked so... Royal. That was my favorite part of the event, the ballroom'a ceiling. There was giant crown chandelier for crying out loud and the room was freaking cold, no joke. 

I felt like I was back in England again.

My right hand after the first day was so destroyed. I haven't done so much writing in my life so that was an experience for me. 

Another memorable experience is having lobby photoshoots at nearly 12 midnight. Regardless of how tired we were, we still smiled and had 2AM pizza deliveries from Alberto's and watched a movie till our eyelids can no longer open. Fun.

The 2 day workshop was exhausting. Plus the following Wednesday we had our Mastery Tests so no rest for us, I guess. But yes, it was so much fun. 

Especially since most of my fellow Orange Jews were there, it was a BLAST. 

Monday, August 11, 2014

Welcome Back, Sci-Fi Nerd!

Sci-Fi is cool. Yes it is, it's very cool. 

I'd consider myself a nerd and a bookworm especially when I get too engrossed in a series. 

7 years ago, I loved reading about mystery.

A couple years later, silly childish 'Diaries' like Dork Diaries or Diary of a Wimpy Kid. 

But past is past and I find myself loving science fictions or even dystopian-like series. So what series now? 

I Am Number Four Series. 

The series follow John Smith, a 16-year old alien from planet Lorien, sent to earth along with 8 others to fight a Great War against a ruthless race of aliens, the Mogadores.

Reading series took me a to different world. This time, not a world where the protagonist lives in a slum or grew up in a military or finding the true place where they belong, no. This story took me to Paradise, Ohio in a powerful Alien's point of view who's developing his powers to win a war to save his planet. 

A different plot from other sci-Fi books I've read but it's a book that's impossible to put down.

This is the first time I've read anything 'alien' related. Surprisingly, I fell in love with the series the same as I fell in love with Divergent or even Hunger Games. There are 4 books that have been published but 3 more books are yet to come out. 

Exciting! :)